At Westmont, we combine rigorous academics 和 deep love for God. You'll discover a wide range of classes, experiences 和 services that encourage you to thrive. Our vibrant community will welcome 和 support you as you begin to build your future.
You'll find important information about Westmont on this page. If you'd like to get to know us even better, click the buttons below.
韦斯特蒙特学院是本科, 住宅, 基督教, liberal arts community serving God's kingdom by cultivating thoughtful scholars, grateful servants 和 faithful leaders for global engagement with the academy, 教会与世界.
独立思考. 为他人而活.
师生比例 |
平均班级人数 |
位于加州圣巴巴拉 |
招生人数(校内1200人) |
四年制毕业率 |
Westmont's commitment to liberal arts emphasizes making connections among disciplines, 做与想相结合, 科学与人文, 个人和ag娱乐官网. Convention says that you have to choose between scholarly knowledge 和 scriptural truth. But that's like using only half your brain, or relying on only half the information.
Here, you'll develop deep knowledge AND discover deep truth.
100%很多课程都是由教师讲授的, |
98%有多少教员 |
31专业 |
最大专业:经济学 & Business, Kinesiology, Psychology, Biology 和 Communication Studies
Spirituality, 部门 和 Traditions
Westmont的座右铭, 基督之灵—基督居首位—captures the college's commitment to developing deep faith in God. The community gathers three times a week in the name of Jesus Christ to love 和 learn from Him during 教堂. Westmont belongs to the worldwide evangelical Protestant tradition. While faculty 和 staff sign a statement of faith, the college welcomes students who hold a variety of religious beliefs.
Embrace a rich 和 engaging student life at Westmont College that extends well beyond the classroom. 让自己沉浸在大量的 校园活动,从 学生俱乐部 迷人的文化 事件, fostering a vibrant sense of community. Engage in meaningful outreach through our 不同部门, where you can make a positive impact both locally 和 globally.
Like many students, you may discover that our 慷慨的帮助 means you pay less at Westmont than at a public university or other independent college. Dig in to the numbers at think about where you want to invest these transformational four years.
每年都获得奖学金 |
Westmont Warriors cultivate maturity of mind, body 和 spirit through the rigorous pursuit of athletic excellence, integrated learning 和 Christ-centered leadership. Westmont challenges students to strive for excellence in every area of life.
10NAIA全国锦标赛 |
106GSAC团体锦标赛 |
637NAIA所有美国人 |
Westmont市中心 和 旧金山的韦斯特蒙特 继续运作, 和 many of the college's popular study abroad programs will resume in the fall of 2022 with semesters in 欧洲, 英格兰, 欧洲北部, 墨西哥, 亚洲, 耶路撒冷, 开罗 和 乌干达. 他们是否去新加坡旅游, 柏林或坎帕拉, Westmont students venture across the globe to learn how to live 和 interact in cross-cultural settings.
of the student body participate in off-campus programs across six continents.
Nestled in the hills of beautiful Santa Barbara, Westmont offers spectacular views of the Santa Ynez mountains 和 the Pacific Ocean. 学生们喜欢海滩, 的山路, cultural resources 和 fine dining of the charming coastal area.
Because many professors live in Westmont's nearby faculty housing, they participate in campus activities 和 often invite students over for class sessions 和 meals.
Westmont equips its graduates with the skills they need to lead 和 serve in all sectors of society. Students have opportunities to publish reSearch papers with faculty, complete multiple internships 和 forge important networking relationships with leaders in their fields. The college has earned a reputation for its strong entrepreneurial program, 和 many alums start their own businesses.
97%of graduates are employed or attending graduate school 6 months after graduation |
30students participate in summer reSearch with professors each year |
64%of students participate in an internship while at Westmont |
$111,500median alumni salary with 10+ years experience |
跨文化 & 全球合作
Micah 6:8 is a verse commonly cited to compel people to act in times of injustice: “Do justice, 怜恤神,存谦卑的心与神同行.” The pages on Westmont’s Micah 6:8 site describe our work around justice, 和解, 和多样性. 然而,我们的工作尚未完成. We continue to strive to be a more reconciling community, to better underst和 how we could do better, to listen to each other 和 the Lord, 并在我们的思想中做出回应, 单词, 和行动. May He give us strength to do justice, love mercy, 和 walk humbly with Him.
In 1937, 露丝克尔 founded a liberal arts college committed to the historic 基督教 faith. 华莱士爱默生, 第一任总统, envisioned an institution that rivaled the best colleges nationwide, 和 he set the st和ard for academic rigor 和 excellence that still applies.
Since its founding, Westmont has produced alumni who live with intelligence, character, 和 hope.
排名 第一名基督教文理学院
in California 和 the Western United States.
For the 19th straight year, Westmont, 按U排名.S. 新闻 & 世界报告编号. 107(联系), is one of the top two national 基督教 liberal arts colleges 和 the number one 基督教 liberal arts college in California 和 in the Western United States.
《ag娱乐官网》 | WorldAtlas | U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道
| PayScale | 钱 |